Virtual Consulting Enterprises. Your best business ally!

Your Quick and Economic Office

We are pioneers in the service of Virtual Offices in Panama. Our experience of more than 15 years and a personalized service are a guarantee of success for your business.

Your Quick and Economic Office

We are pioneers in the service of Virtual Offices in Panama. Our experience of more than 15 years and a personalized service are a guarantee of success for your business.

Executive offices fully equipped and furnished.

Executive offices fully equipped and furnished.

You only care about your business in the greatest comfort, while we take care of everything else, taking care of your corporate image.

At VIRCEN you pay only for what you need and when you need it. That's why our facilities are always ready to be used, and have all the necessary infrastructure in office equipment, computing, communication and telephony.

Our service proposal is in accordance with the
needs of the small businesses of the 21st century.

Value Added

Descubra todas las ventajas de utilizar nuestros servicios.
No Contracts

No Contracts

We are convinced that the full satisfaction you will feel with our services will motivate you to continue with us.
Contacts Network

Contacts Network

We give you the opportunity to establish contacts and connections with all those companies that maintain commercial relations with VIRCEN.
Develop your Ideas

Develop your Ideas

Explore markets, new business opportunities and develop innovative ideas, all without having to face high costs for services and rental contracts.
Commercial Office

Commercial Office

We have other tools such as market studies, sectorial, commercial intelligence, business advisory plan and destination so that your success is not a problem.

Start with VIRCEN!

Complete the form and we will contact you very soon.

Opening of International Bank Account

In other more friendly banks jurisdictions, easing opening bank accounts in Lithuania, St. Lucia and Panama. All legal requirement will be submitted to you directly saving you the time and money to travel to such places.

Banks we work with are all multi-currency, have excellent online banking, credit cards and all the services your business might need.

Vircen Internacional gives you the option of globalizing even more your business.


Definitivamente el COVID19 nos dejó una gran lección de vida, no solamente en Panamá, sino en el mundo entero, permitiendo la entrada a una era digital mas acentuada que nunca.

Una de las peores y mas duras consecuencias del COVID19 ha sido sin duda alguna la crisis económica vivida a nivel mundial , donde el precio por no adaptarnos rápidamente a los nuevos cambios podría llegar a ser el cierre definitivo de nuestras empresas que con tanto esfuerzo y dedicación hemos construido.

Inicialmente tenemos que estar anuentes que los tiempos han cambiado y esto nos llevará a salir de nuestra zona de confort, por lo que debemos darnos a la tarea de verificar nuestro Know How y portafolio de servicios a fin de entender nuestras limitaciones y poder así realizar los ajustes necesarios para una rápida adaptación. Es básico verificar el tamaño correcto de nuestros negocios ¨right sizing¨ para poder movilizarnos rápido y con precisión.

En VIRCEN INTERNACIONAL nos hemos preparado para la adaptación de esta nueva era ya no solamente somos una oficina virtual sino que hemos reinventado nuestra caja de herramientas con multiples servicios llamados ¨custom suit¨ o trajes a la medida donde seremos tu facilitador directo realizando las tareas que te quiten tiempo y puedas enfocarte en el corazón de tu negocio.


  • Dirección fiscal y bancaria
  • Pagos y cobros remotos digitales por tarjeta de crédito
  • Asesoría empresarial Post-Covid19
  • Marca personal y empresarial
  • Pasantías en general
  • Aperturas de cuentas bancarias en Panama e Internacional
  • Fundaciones de Interés Privado

¨La era Post-COVID19 no es para el más fuerte, sino para el que mas rápido se adapte¨.
Ing. Edgar Gonzalez S.

Virtual Office

Our Virtual Office service is the quickest, cheapest and intelligent solution, allowing you to have all the benefits of a permanent office without facing the high economic, logistical and human resource costs that this implies.

The VIRCEN Virtual Office service includes:

Secretarial Telephone

Starting with your instructions and/or commercial activity, the telephone secretary acts as a personal assistant and will answer all calls in a professional way.

Own Telephone Number

VIRCEN includes a separate telephone number to every customer in order to be able to answer all incoming calls with the name of your company or commercial activity.

Reception of Faxes

Our equipments will receive the faxes that will be retransmitted to you according to your instructions. As soon as all faxes are received, they are sent to your e-mail account.

Voice Mail

We know that the most important thing for you is that your business operates 24 hours a day, so that all your night messages will be gathered in the voice mail and will be transmitted according to your instructions.

Commercial Address

We offer a prestigious local address and will keep your corporate image. You bussines can way use our local address for its documents, letterheads, personal or bussines cards and/or any other commercial identification.

Handling of Commercial Correspondence

By utilizing our commercial address, our clients and suppliers may leave documents and correspondence at our reception desk so that you may later take them to be resent according to your instructions and vice versa.

Customer Instructions

Being [you] the client, author of your business and/or commercial activity, your instructions play an important role in our operations since we only act according to your instructions.

Customer Support

We serve the customer so they will feel well during his stay in our office. Your client will be informed, attended and/or helped according to your instructions.

Monthly Price

Virtual Office

USD 50.00

Instant Office

The Instant Office service offers our clients the convenience and easiness to serve its clients and suppliers, or to work in our comfortable warmly-decorated rooms.

So into an Exe-Office and start working immediately with VIRCEN you just pay for what you need. Our offices are furnished and decorated; always ready to be use and they have all the necessary infrastructure and telephones.

Monthly Price

Virtual Office

USD 50.00

Advisories & Extra Services

VIRCEN is supported by a platform of professional in different fields in the business world.

Thinking about client convenience, VIRCEN offers a varied service of consultancies in the different fields that may appear at the time of starling a business with the intention of giving fast support to our customers.

Within the fields, we can mention the administrative, legal, financial, accounting, environmental and computing.

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